Brad Pitt Asks NASA About Indian Moon Lander

When Brad Pitt called the International Space Station (ISS) Monday to talk to American astronaut Nick Hague, an unexpected conversation happened. Brad asked Hague whether he had been able to watch the landing of India’s Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander, which was supposed to touch the Moon’s South Pole on September 7.

Hague, who is currently living with two other Americans, two Russians and one Italian on the ISS, answered, “No, unfortunately.”

He also described how it was being weightless in the spaceship. “The calluses on my feet have basically gone away because I don’t walk on the bottoms of my feet. But now I have calluses across the top of my foot, around my big toe, because I’m constantly hanging on things with my big toe ” said Hague, who is currently living on the ISS with two other Americans, two Russians and an Italian.

“That’s incredible to see,” said Pitt, who held the 20-minute video call via split-screen from NASA’s Washington headquarters.